What Is Your Relationship To Desire?

Do you know what you authentically desire? Think about it.

Desires that underpin our lives often stem from what we feel we needed, and didn’t have, in our early years.

People spend a lot of time in our culture thinking about what they don’t have, never had, or missed out on. This kind of thinking holds us tethered to the past and to loss. I believe this attitude comes from living in a society that is based on desire and the marketing that saturates our lives and tells us if we only had X, Y or Z, our lives would be complete, and we would be satisfied or worthy. We are constantly set up to desire, and then especially as women, made to feel guilty for it. Desire has become almost synonymous with sexual desire, in this culture where sex is used to sell everything from lawnmowers to toothpaste. Therefore, many of us don’t look much beyond this when we think about our desire, to what our core longings might be.

Take a minute now and drop down. What bubbles up from the deepest place in you regarding your desire? Sometimes it helps to play what I call The Perfect World Game.

If you could have it any way you want, how would it be? How would your day unfold? When would you awaken? Alone or with someone else? How would you spend your day? What would you be doing? Where? Alone or with others?

Answer these questions as if you can have anything you want, as if nothing can stand in your way. Then put your vision up somewhere you can see it. Begin by making any small adjustments you can make in your daily life to better align with your “perfect world.” This might be something as simple as adding an hour of alone time in the morning. Some things you will not be able to change now, but as decisions and choices are made later, if you choose at each juncture to align yourself with the vision of your life as you would like to live it, you will come closer and closer to having it be the way that feels most like you.

Think about:

What limits you from having what you desire?

Are you able to engage in fulfilling your desires without inhibition or do you struggle with guild when you want something that will bring you pleasure? What do you allow to stop you?

What might be the first step to bring yourself into alignment with what you desire? It might be having a conversation with someone in particular, letting go of something that no longer resonates with you, or committing to something new.

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